Friday, May 13, 2011

E-mail collector

So, I've been pretty obsessed with Etsy lately.

I've also been in the major hunt for a reasonably priced triple jogger, so I've been stalking sites like Ebay, Craigslist, and Overstock as well.

Anyways, some of these sites allow you to pay for your purchase with Paypal. I believe I first set up my Paypal account when I was in high school.


All I can say is, Paypal is a really secure site. It's so secure, I couldn't even log in, even though I am obviously myself and not some sketch ball trying to steal my identity. If you live on the planet Mars and have never heard of Paypal, I'll break it down for you...

It's a secure site, where you can pay for materials without worrying about getting ripped off. You access your account with your e-mail and password. Of course, this whole process made me realize how many e-mail accounts I actually have.

I don't know if this is at all normal, but here we go.....

I still have the first e-mail account I ever made. It's an AOL account, and although I haven't checked it, in ohhh probably 10 years, it's still active ( I think, AOL is still around right)?

I also have my college e-mail address, I never check this one either, BUT I do still use this e-mail as a username for many sites.

When I was in college, I also had a yahoo mail account, basically because I wanted to keep personal e-mails and school e-mails separate...don't ask me why, I really don't know.

Now is where it gets good...

THEN, I set up a gmail account, basically for the good ole reason "Everyone else is doing it". All my friends were g-chatting it up, I couldn't be left out.

THEN I opened my own business. You didn't know that about me, did you? Yes, in my pre-baby making, pre baby-birthing and pre baby-raising day, I opened a small business with my then-boyfriend, now-husband. I obviously now stay home, and he's running the show at work...

anyways the point? I have a business e-mail account.

THEN I started blogging! I wanted a way to keep blog e-mails separate from other e-mails, plus most of my e-mail addresses have my full name in it, so I didn't want to advertise that on my blog.....thus, yet ANOTHER e-mail account!

By my count that's 6.


And I may or may not be counting ANOTHER e-mail address from a college I attended my freshman year, or a comcast address because it was free when I moved into my first place and purchased a cable package....

It's a sickness really.

Anywho, the whole point is that after attempting a few possible e-mail addresses as my Paypal account, I got locked out of the whole site for too many attempts.


To top it off, after I waited the appropriate 24 hours, or whatever the time frame is, I couldn't even answer my OWN security questions.

How lame have I become?

Don't worry though, I did, eventually figure it all out (whew).

It got me to thinking though, I really need to get rid of these e-mail accounts!

It's just not normal.

Or is it?

I can't be alone out there in the world of e-mail account hoarding! I wonder if there even is a way to cancel the accounts?

Oh well, let's be honest, I'm never going to find the time to delete those accounts anyways, and on the off chance I do find the time, I'll be too busy accessing my Paypal account so I can buy something super cute off of Etsy!

Side note: All my e-mail accounts have my maiden name in them, I don't have an e-mail address with my married name!

I definitely need a new e-mail address!

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