Wednesday, March 7, 2012

not such a great day...

See this guy???

Yea, well, I love him!

I'm a colts fan, and of courses a Peyton Manning fan, so naturally my heart has literally been aching since I found out last night, Peyton was getting released.


I'm not going to go in to all the circumstances, it's just a sad day around here.

I'm glued to NFL network coverage waiting for the noon press conference where it will be made official, and I will probably officially ball my eyes out.

As if this day wasn't going to be emotional enough, Annabelle decided to add some extreme vomit and diarrhea into the mix.

Oh yea, and she did all this in her crib.

When I strolled into the twins room this morning I had no idea the shit storm (no pun intended) I was about to encounter.

Poor baby threw up, had diarrhea so bad that it shot up the front of her diaper (moms, out there, you know the kind I'm talking about) and was all over her crib.

Her crib, her sheets, her hair, the floor....basically everywhere.

I'm still cringing thinking about it.

It's a straight-up miracle I was able to clean it up with out vomiting.

Things can never run too smoothly around here, then life would just be boring...right?

Happy Wednesday!

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