I don't even remember the last time I got a full night's sleep....sad.
The twins are 9 weeks today, and I wasn't getting sleep while I was huge and pregnant, sooo I'm guessing it has to be at least 3 months.
3 months!
I have finally broken down. The twins are staying at my parent's for the night this Saturday, so that I (hopefully) can finally catch a full night of sleep! I was hoping I'd be able to tough it out until they started sleeping through the night, but that is still a ways off....
The big girl started consistently sleeping through the night at 10 weeks, so it stands to reason that the twins should be sleeping through the night soon since they are 9 weeks, right? WRONG!
I constantly have to keep reminding myself of their "adjusted age".
Adjusted age, is a concept that sucks!
The twins were born at 35 weeks gestation, which is awesome for twins! However, they are each still considered premature. Five weeks premature.
So, their age is adjusted. It's adjusted for development purposes, for the weight, height, etc. They were tiny when they were born (they were 5 weeks early) so, they literally didn't hit a normal term baby weight, until they were about 4 weeks old...hence why everything is adjusted for preemies!
I have to say, the first month they were home, when technically they were still sopposed to be cooking inside my tummy, they were NOT like normal newborns. They literally slept all the time, rarely cried, and never woke up to eat. I had to set my alarm every night, to keep to their strict 3 hour schedule.
Once their due date arrived (Oct. 11), it was like they suddenly "woke up". Somehow, it was like their little bodies kicked into gear, and realized "Okay, we are sopposed to be here now, time to start acting like babies!!!"
They cried, woke up hungry, still slept often but actually had awake time. Although they are 9 weeks old, adjusted they are only 4 weeks; I have to admit, they really are 4 week babies, as far as feeding, sleeping, and even small development things like holding their head.
So, if I go by adjusted age, these babies still have another 6 weeks before they hit the equivalent of the 10 week age that their older sister began sleeping through the night.
6 weeks.
6 weeks!!!!
That puts me at the week of Christmas!
Hence, why the are getting shipped to the grandparent's house this weekend!
If I am going to survive another 6 weeks, I HAVE to get at least one full night of sleep. Of course, if I could nap during the day that would help, but the concept of "sleep when the baby sleeps" is thrown out the window when you have a bouncing 18 month old to take care of also!
I never thought it was humanly possible to run off of so little sleep....or to consume so much coffee in a 24 hour span!
But, I keep surprising myself!
Oh well, hopefully I'll survive all of this and laugh about it in a few more months once I'm actually sleeping....