Thursday, June 24, 2010


There are very few things that scare me.

Snakes, do.

I hate them, I loathe them, I cringe at the sight of them, I can't even touch a page of a book if there is a picture of one on it, it's that bad.

Imagine my horror when my husband came into the kitchen the other night and said,

"I'm going to tell you this as calmly as I can. I just killed a snake in the front yard".

After throwing up in my mouth, I immediately started looking at new houses to buy on the internet...I wonder if we could find something, close, and move, all before the twins arrived.

Since apparently moving was out of the question, I made my husband launch a full assault on the perimeter of our house! He got this "Snake-Away" powder at Home Depot, and we have even tried the old remedy of moth balls.


My house smells like moth balls, it's like being 8 years old again, playing in my grandma's attic.

It's awful. It's not just the house, it's the front and back porch, the front yard, the driveway, literally EVERYWHERE.

I've been burning candles, spraying air freshener, I'm close to sticking dryer sheets in all of my air vents, but nothing masks the smell.

It's starting to get embarrassing. Our neighbors even said they could smell the moth balls from THEIR yard.

How long can the smell possibly last? This insane heat, isn't helping the odor problem either. I'm praying for rain, maybe that will help. I told my husband to pick up all of the moth balls, but he hasn't yet, I think, out of spite.

We have officially become, the smelly house on the block. Great.

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