Thursday, June 17, 2010

Is it weird?

Is it weird that I've only been in my house for 6 months and I ALREADY want to re-do my den?

I realized I never posted pics of our house, so I promise, promise to get on top of that tomorrow! We never bought new furniture for our den (wish we did). The furniture is simply too big for the room, and the paint color is NOT us. It's a dark olive green, it's a beautiful color, but it just doesn't mesh with our personality, we are more light-colors, people. But, we tried something different when we moved to our new pad, so snaps for us! Unfortunately it just didn't work...I think I've convinced the hubs to tackle the challenge of a re-paint job!

He finished painting the twins room, AND put together the looks SO STINKING CUTE, I can barely stand it! Again, pictures tomorrow...promise!

So, in a perfect world I would love to have the den, master bath, and dining room all re-painted before August....I won't hold my breath though :)

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