Monday, February 13, 2012

Who really cares???

I'm feeling a little bit like a downer, but I could care less that tomorrow is Valentine's Day...

I mean, really? Who cares, anyways?

I'm married with 3 kids, tomorrow is going to be just like any other day except everyone will be wearing some sort of pink or red clothing. For the first time in....forever, me and my hubby aren't even going out to dinner.

And I'm okay with that.

Honestly, I love my husband, and I know he loves me. We love each other every single day, so Valentine's Day has really just turned in to a special holiday for the kids, rather than just for us.

The big girl worked on coloring and putting stickers on her Valentine's Cards for her friends and teachers, to take to her her morning program tomorrow. I loaded up on some new books to lay out for when the girls wake up in the morning, at the age my kids are, I'm trying to avoid hyping them up with, books will do just fine :)

I hope everyone has a fantastic Valentine's Day tomorrow, doing whatever it is that makes you happy!

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