Thursday, January 19, 2012

Juliette says....

I don't have much for you today...

although last night, when the Big Girl noticed my belt and said "Oh mommy, you're seat-belt is so pretty" I realized I needed to make a post about the sweet/crazy things she says, if not just for posterity purposes!

So here we go....

Belt= Seat belt (which really is genius if you think about it)

At Christmas, we had a little jingle bell, which she affectionately referred to as a meatball

When she wants to be picked up, she says "up, up"

Instead of "No Thank you" she says "Oh, no please" - Example- "Juliette would you like some more milk?" "Oh, no please" (at least she's polite).

She says "HEY" a lot :)

Every time she eats or drinks something she says "Oh I loooooove (insert beverage or food)"

When something is delicious, it's "So yum-yum"

And lastly but certainly not least, if she thinks you look beautiful she says "Oh, you're a princess".

In fact, a few weeks ago, Jerry Seinfeld was in town and my hubby and I scored some tickets. As I came downstairs all dressed to go, Juliette said

"Oh mommy, you're a princess!!! Are you going to dance class???"

The things kids say! Love it!

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