Friday, August 27, 2010

I've been neglecting you guys...sorry

I'm big, pregnant, and hormonal.

This pregnancy will go down as the longest pregnancy in history!

My sister-in-law is pregnant also, and d-day for her is next week! To say, I've been living vicariously through her is an understatement.

I still have a ways to go, I'll be 34 weeks on make matters worse, my nesting instinct has kicked in to over-drive, and I'm pretty sure I've pinched a nerve in my back from trying to clean my baseboards (no wonder no one ever cleans those things).

The babies apparently are circus acrobats, because every other minute they are either flipping back and forth between vertex and breech positions or purposely trying to take out one of my vital organs.

Is is it possible for an unborn child to puncture your kidneys or sever your spine?

At least the bright side is, I'm pretty sure if I invest in gymnastics lessons, these girls are Olympic Games bound, they obviously already have the "drive" to perform fantastic stunts.

Well, sorry I don't have much more for you guys, I'm still here...."sitting, waiting, wishing" (I've re-discovered my love for Jack Johnson)!!!

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