Saturday, August 22, 2009

New Mom Tip


Sorry, I missed the new mom tip yesterday. It was a crazy hectic day..our bulldog Oscar, had to have surgery on his cherry eye :( I was on pins and needles until I heard from the Vet...but everything is okay, and I'm picking him up within the hour! yay!

Now, on to the tip!

Everyone knows how important it is to wash the bottles and nipples etc. I use Dr. Brown's Bottles AND the Playtex drop-ins. The drop-ins are great when I'm out and about because I can just throw away the mess instead of carrying around a dirty bottle. I religiously clean my Dr. Brown's bottles, and if you use these bottles, then you know that you not only have to clean the bottle and the nipple but also the stems. No big deal, I have a pretty good system down, and I have the drop-in as back up if I'm running all my bottles through the washing machine. So that being said, I never use the tops of the bottle (the top that covers the nipple). I guess they are used mostly when you travel with the bottles but as I said I use the drop-ins when I travel. I can not even tell you the last time I put a top on a Dr. Brown bottle but I seriously think it has to have been in the earlier stages of when LO first came home from the hospital. I'm horrified to admit I have NEVER washed the tops to the bottles!!!!

I never think about it because I never use them. They have been sitting on the top of my window ledge above my kitchen sink FOREVER. Well, I was cleaning up the other day and noticed the tops...I picked them up and was just going to toss them in the trash and that is when I saw IT. MOLD! Ewwwwwwwwww.......EFFING GROSS!

I immediately washed them out and THEN threw them away! Ha, don't ask me why I needed to clean them before I threw them in the trash, but I did! So, I figured this was an excellent tip for all of those moms who actually USE the tops to their bottles ....remember, they need to be cleaned regularly as well!!!! Uggh...I shutter to think how disgusting and awful it would have been if I randomly decided to use one of those tops without looking inside of it....yuck! So, hopefully my yucky mistake will benefit everyone else! WASH THOSE TOPS!!!!

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