Monday, June 8, 2009

New Mom Tip


Last night was our first "grown-up" night out without the little one. My mom watched her, while we went to a friend's engagement party. This wasn't my first experience drinking since having my daughter, I've enjoyed the occasional glass of wine at home, and drank beers by the pool while we were at the beach, but last night was my first time socially drinking with all my friends. And everyone knows, you drink more when your friends are around.

I had a baby 5 weeks ago, my tolerance isn't quite what it use to be. Don't worry, I didn't embarrass myself or anything like that (thank god) but after about 8 beers (no, I'm not kidding) my head started pounding. I basically passed out the second I got home, but naturally still had to get up for those middle of the night feedings, which was SO HARD. I'm one of those people that sleep really well when I'm drunk, when I'm out, I'm out. But, the second I heard my daughter crying for her bottle I snapped right's like something in you just snaps into gear. The night wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, but 6 a.m. definitley rolled up much faster than I thought it would. My daughter's morning nap though, literally saved my life because I was able to go back to sleep as well!

So, basically my tip to all new moms out there, is DEFINITELY take it easy, or at least save the heavy drinking for a night when your baby is with the grandparents and THEY have baby duty for the night!

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