Saturday, October 9, 2010

Fallin for Fall

Still here! Still Alive (barely)!

Now that I somewhat have my energy and strength back...I'm back to posting! Yay!

Between middle of the night feedings, changing diapers x 3, a teething toddler, growing twins, making bottles, attempting to nurse, pumping, and occasionally remembering to brush my teeth and shower, I have been one busy woman!

Things are going amazing though! All 3 girls are doing fantastic. LO is adjusting well to her sisters, the twins are gaining weight and getting cuter every second of the day! Each day is hectic as hell, but everyday is filled with love and laughter (sometimes crying, even from me) and at the end of each day I find myself overwhelmed by how much love and joy my heart is filled with!

Lucky? That word doesn't sum it up.

Blessed? YOU BET!

Fall is hands-down the best time of year to have babies! I am loving the cooler weather! The windows in the house are open, and stroller rides are actually a reality now that the stifling heat is out! We've already been to the pumpkin patch, and hit up fall yard sales! sigh.

I love fall, seriously!

Even though I never know what day it is, and I'm becoming a pro at executing day-to-day activities on ZERO sleep, I'm thankful at least it's a beautiful time of year :)

Pictures for everyone!

How cute??? Gabrielle is on the right, Annabelle the left! Now that Annabelle is gaining weight they are starting to look identical!

Me and Annabelle...snuggle central

Who's tired??? Daddy and his baby girls!

Life is good...stay tuned for more!

1 comment:

  1. Y'all are so cute!!!!! Glad to hear that you're hangning in there and that life is good. One day at a time, right? Heck! One hour at a time! :D
