Okay, moms...let's talk about one of the most dreaded consequences of pregnancy....
I'm talking about...
stretch marks
I got them, my last month of pregnancy with LO. I was totally bummed, they snuck up on me, I actually thought I was going to make it through without getting them...no such luck.
I know there are women out there that manage NOT to get them, and there are also women who manage to shrink back to their pre-pregnancy form before they are even discharged from the maternity ward...to all of you women... I DON'T like you AT ALL!
hahaha, just kidding (kind of).
So, my question is, do the belly creams really work??
I didn't use any sort of belly, anti-stretch-mark cream with my first pregnancy, but this go-around, I am down for trying any and everything!
I was reading Tori Spelling's book Mommywood, and she talks about how she religiously lathered herself up with all sorts of different belly creams during her pregnancy...and she never got stretch marks.
Is this because of the belly creams, or because she is a skinny bitch and I'm not???
I don't know, but maybe belly creams are worth a try!
I was ticked off Tori Spelling didn't get stretch marks, but I was really ticked off she didn't write about what these magical belly creams were. Sure, she probably forked over insane amounts of money for high-end product, but some brand name shout-outs would have been nice. I'm 25 years old, and I'm still slightly vain enough to fork over a small fortune on a cream that promises to save my stomach from stretch marks!
I've been religously moisturizing my belly, I use bio oil, palmers tummy butter, and palmers vitamin E oil.
Aside from the fact that my stomach has never been softer, or smelled nicer, I'm not sure if it's working.
I will say, I haven't gotten any more stretch marks, just the same 'ole ones that have hung around from LO, which don't bother me too much...I mean, once they completely fade to white and I get a nice tan, I think I'll be okay with them, they are kind of like a badge of honor, right??
So, the fact I haven't added to my stretch marks, I guess is good news. I can't be 100 percent sure it's because of my insane stomach moisturizing rituals, but I certainly don't think my process has hurt anything.
What do you guys think? Do the lotions work, do you have anything you swear by??