Sunday, February 21, 2010

My morning in a nutshell

7:20 wake-up

7:30 get LO, make bottle and feed her.

8:00 Let dogs out

8:01 Realize one of the dogs has taken a massive sh*t in the corner and my newly pro crawler is headed straight towards it.

8:02 pro crawler intercepted. I isolate the little one in her pack n play while I clean up the the massive steamer. LO screams the whole time....she hates the pack n play.

8:10 Finally, coffee

8:30 LO is bored and wants to be held, I put her in my lap while I try to watch some tv, she reaches for by coffee mug before I do. The result... Coffee all over the couch.

8:32 On my knees massively scrubbing my couch while my daughter has pulled herself up on her feet and is pulling my hair out of my head, just for fun.

9:00 books, and instruments with the baby.

9:30 morning nap (for the baby)

9:30 - 1o:30 fold laundry, add more clothes to the washer, clean the kitchen, got the spins, threw up, shower, get dressed.

10:30 make breakfast while the hubster finally gets out of bed and ventures downstairs.

11- baby is up, snack time.

11:30 "Babe I am so tired I just need to go upstairs and take like a 30 min. nap"

My husband responds "Your tired? What have you done besides eat breakfast?"

So because HIS day didn't start until 10:30 a.m that means I did NOTHING. Any woman who has EVER been pregnant knows how tired you get your first trimester. What a jerk. I made a huge scene and hammered it home that he was the WORST husband ever!

Needless to say, I got a relaxing day to myself while he took the baby on errands and entertained her, AND even came upstairs to check if "he could do anything for me" from time to time. Now that's more like it.

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