Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Thankful for burps...

It's been one of those days.

Hell, it's been one of those days for the last 4 days in a row.

The Twins are teething, and not just normal teething...teething on steroids. Gabby has 3 teeth (that I can see) that are about to cut through, and Annabelle has 4.

It has been hell at our house.

Straight hell.

Ever been around a kid who is teething? Ever been around twins that are teething??

I'm only one person...I can only do so much. It's heart-breaking when both of your babies want you to hold them all day long. Heartbreaking and impossible, because even if I could magically find a way to juggle their combined weight of 40 plus pounds on my hips all day long, I still have an almost 2.5 year old to take care of as well.

Poor Juliette, just wants to play and sing songs, and color and not have her sisters pull her hair or steal her blanket or her mother completely stressed out because she can't handle anymore screaming babies!

Do you know what happens when a toddler doesn't get her way??

She cries.

So, that's 3 screaming children, one "on-the-verge-of-having-a-mental-breakdown" mom, stuck in a house because of the torrential downpour which occurred ALL day, and a partridge in a pear tree is probably somewhere in there as well.

To top it off, when my husband gets home, it's still no relief for mom. I have to head out to the grocery store. Yep. My one moment to myself out of the last 4 days consists of me heading to the dreaded grocery store at rush hour along with everyone else in the city.

Of course the grocery store only has 2 check-out lanes open as well...typical.

I get home...chaos.

3 kids still screaming. So, as I'm putting away groceries while simultaneously getting pj's on the babies, and finally putting them to sleep, I realize that my husband, is on the couch. Sitting. Doing Nothing.


So, while he's catching up on his nightly news, I fix dinner for our toddler, help her eat, while cleaning up the explosion of toys all around the house.

Because let's face reality, a dad's idea of taking care of the children is to throw all of the toys in the middle of the room and let the kids have at it! (can you sense my sarcasm, here)??

Anyways, finally I finish cleaning up dinner and get a moment to sit and catch my breath when, through the monitor, I hear a blood-curdling scream.

Of course, one of the babies is awake! I can not catch a break..this day seriously sucks.

So I huff and I puff as I drag my "seriously-about-to-lose-it" body up the stairs and into the twins bedroom.

It's Annabelle, awake, and looking pitiful. I scoop her up and start rocking her, about two minutes in to rocking, she lets out a huge burp. She almost instantly relaxes and snuggles into my chest with her tiny hand clasping my arm like she doesn't ever want me to put her down. So we just rock, and snuggle.

It was seriously the BEST part of my day. I was so thankful for that tiny little burp that woke her up and allowed me to have a special and rare moment of alone time with my little girl.

As I rocked her, I just thought how silly I was for getting so overwhelmed with this day. It's just a day (or 4) some days are good, some days are bad, some days are horrible. But I have 3 sweet, healthy babies, a beautiful home, and a great husband (when he helps out with the children) I kid, I kid.

Anyways, it reminded me of a quote I came across recently..

"Dear God, thanks for this beautiful life, and forgive me if I don't love it enough"

So true.

So, thank you God, for the good the bad and the horrible...thank you so much!

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