I'm a stay-at-home mom to 3 beautiful little girls (all under the age of 2, I might add), I'm a craft-junkie, clean-a-holic, amazing wife (ha, not to toot my own horn), a try-to-be-everything type of mom, occasional cook, a daughter, friend, sister, and animal lover. I'm not the best blogger out there, but I'm trying, so thanks in advance for taking the time to read my scatter-brained thoughts!
Introductions are in order!
That's me above! Doing my favorite thing, catching rays, when I think of myself, this is how I picture me. I'm currently still battling the war of shedding pregnancy weight, but maybe one day I'll look like that again! A girl can dream right??
This is one of my favorite pictures! The day our family became a family of three! My husband is amazing and that precious bundle there, is our sweet girl, Juliette!
Of course one child wasn't enough for us! We wanted Juliette to have a sibling that was close to her age, so we tried, and we got the surprise of our life! TWINS!!!
Our Identical girls (although there was quite the weight difference at birth) Gabrielle and Annabelle!
Our family of 3 quickly became a family of 5!!! 3 girls, our oldest is only 16 months older than her baby sisters!
my furry babies! Pictured Below
Our English Bulldog, Oscar
Our Boston Terrier, Lady
Now that you know the major players in my blog, hope you enjoy reading and don't forget to "follow" me!